GEOmedia 2 2015 - Il GIS per censire il danno del dopo-terremoto

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Piano di ricostruzione post-sisma: Il G.I.S. per censire il danno

Gli scenari possibili del post-terremoto, debbono essere tratteggiati a priori, pianificati per tempo, declinando, da un lato tempi e risorse in gioco, elementi di pianificazione strategica e dall’altro modi e azioni, elementi di pianificazione strutturale ed operativa, tentando di far derivare dall’esperienza accumulata, strategie e principi-guida, che non siano da reinventare a ogni evento, ma che si adattino di volta in volta, alle peculiarità del territorio colpito.

Possible scenarios of post-earthquake, should be outlined in advance, planned for time, declining, on the one hand the time and resources involved, elements of strategic planning and to the other side ways and actions, elements of structural and operational planning, trying to derived from the experience gained, strategies and guiding principles, which are not to be reinvented in every event, but that fit from time to time, to the peculiarities of the territory affected. This could help predict the pattern of strategic actions and priorities to protect against future events.
In this context it has been analyzed the disaster suffered by the city of Foligno, one of the areas most affected by the earthquake in 1997.
After more than 15 years after the event, thanks to the data available today, is possible to understand with greater completeness the results in the area. In this perspective, the cataloging of data within a geodatabase, allowed to contain in one structure, different information, suggesting new and different analyzes. The survey conducted using the G.I.S. as a tool, it has enabled us to open up new scenarios, preparatory to starting a real policy of prevention of seismic risk.