GEOmedia 2 2015 - Gestione dell'emergenza su mobile

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Gestione di dati tramite dispositivi mobili per la pianificazione di emergenza.

Con questo lavoro è stato predisposto un sistema di raccolta di informazioni direttamente sul campo che consente di raccogliere in tempo reale dati geospaziali riguardanti le strutture e le infrastrutture di Protezione Civile.

Among the Civil Protection plan creation the data collection of buildings and infrastructures is one of the most important step. The most relevant information to be collected are not only their position (geolocalization) but also their Civil Protection functionalities and peculiarities. Within this context Lombardy Region set up data collection and data storing standards through a focused law. In this paper we describe a new system to collect these kind of data directly on the field. This system is based on an ESRI Geodatabase Enterprise installed on a server, an ArcGIS Online account and the ESRI Collector App for smartphones. Data collected by operators on the field are directly sent to the Geodatabase on server using mobile internet connection; data structure and format follow Lombardy Region standards and they are ready to be loaded on the official Civil Protection Planning platform.