GEOmedia 4 2015 - Recenti sviluppi del Mobile Mapping System

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Mobile Mapping Systems: recenti sviluppi e caso applicativo

I sistemi di rilievo Mobile Mapping (MMS) costituiscono una tecnologia emergente che permette di rilevare, in modalità dinamica, dati metrici 2D/3D geo-referenziati, ad altissima risoluzione ed elevata accuratezza. Di seguito vengono descritte le loro principali caratteristiche tecniche/tecnologiche e un esempio applicativo finalizzato al rilievo 3D di un centro storico cittadino.

MMS is nowadays an emerging technology, whose development goes back to the 90’s and is constantly growing. From a technological point of view, it is the best example of sensor integration and cost-effective acquisition of geo-referenced spatial data, with a combination of digital imaging devices, long-range laser scanners and GNSS/IMU positioning sensors. The accuracy requirements for the acquired data is substantially different in each application, with road or rail infrastructure surveying being much more demanding in this particular respect. Thus, every scanner specifi- cation should be taken into account in order to obtain the best solution according to the intended application. Additionally, a proper evaluation procedure should be carried out by adopting external reference datasets. In this work, a review of the MMS technology is given, together with results achieved with RIEGL VMX-450 in the city center of Trento.